What goes around comes around

I have a passion for travelling fast Andrea …
Yes I recall you taking a ride on the Big Dipper at Blackpool, you where as sick as a dog that day.
But that was due to eating to many whelks.
If you say so George, but I am not going on that contraption, if it stops suddenly we will be fast food for the alligators.
Well Andrea, the whelks might think that was karma.

You can check out more flash stories at. fridayfictioneers.com
That made me smile.
That is good, thank you. Sandra
The cycle of life. Right there
Nature knows only to well how to ensure the cycle of renewal. Thank you Neil,
Nicely done Michael 🙂
Iain, I am glad you felt so. Thank you.
Good title for your story. Indeed, Michael.
Much appreciated, thank you Mike
I like your title and the idea of fast food for alligators… it’s not the food that’s fast in that case!
Love the picture of the dog too – he looks like he wouldn’t mind a whelk if there are any spare
Thank you so much Jen,
Thanks for a light-hearted story. Loved this
Thank you very much Alicia
Karma, indeed. Haha
Thank you Brenda
Good one! I had to look up “whelk.” 🙂
Thank you Linda, the whelk is a seaside treat for some here
Dear Michael,
First I had to look up whelks. Hm. I can see where too many of them might cause issue. Love the dialogue. Well done.
I am glad the dialogue worked. Thank you Rochelle,
Cute story and cute dog, Michael. It made me smile.
Thank you.