Trouble at the Mill

The siren was calling us workers to work. The clatter of clogs on the wet cobbles was almost deafening. Down stairs the fire was banked up with slack, ready to be stirred into life. I knew the sink was a mess, but last night was different. As usual grandma sent us each to bed with a bowl full of hot milk containing pieces of toasted bread. The sounds outside slowly reduced until silence returned. All was quiet. The Spanish flu saw to that.
Footnote: My WordPress site is playing up at present. So my apologies if I am not able post any comments on other flash offering, until I get the hang of the changes to WordPress. Mike

Coronavirus pales into insignificance compared to the Spanish Flu
I shall remember the odd silence from this pandemic too, the lack of cars on the roads in particular. Unfortunately we have reverted back to life as normal without a second thought to changing our ways.
You’ve painted a very clear picture, nice one!
Thank you
In a hundred years they will be writing fiction about the times of COVID-19. Good story. Hoping things get sorted with the new Word Press for you.
Thank you. Hopefully the difficulty with WordPress is sorted after doing a few updates.
Dear Michael,
A few parallels there. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle
It felt the somberness of the story. Nicely done. I hope we learn from this one, but I feel despairing that we will.
Do not despair, nature has it own method of balancing things. I think that almost every generation has to face dark events. It seems to be life. Mike
“Nutty slack” I’d quite forgotten that.
Thank you Sandra. I also had until I started writing. So much has changed.