Transfer station

Ellen we have no choice, we have to leave the old city. I know that it holds so many happy memories for us. But New London is the future, it has no cars, so no fumes. There are no weather outrages, no need to walk unless you wish to. Crime has almost been abolished, just think about it Ellen.
We will be able to live longer, gliding around a new city on hovering borths. They are the vehicles of the future. We will live in a new city beneath an umbrella of plastic. It’s a fabulous way to use plastic.

Sign me up for a borth
You are a brave men, … give me the fresh air any day.
Dear Michael,
It sounds like the perfect plan. Let’s hope Ellen will get on board. Lovely story.
Thank you Rochelle … Plastic domes, they may be the answer to the ever increasing amount of plastic waste on planet earth.
I was fine until that umbrella of plastic … 😉 Gave me “The Dome” vibes … 😉
Nicely done!
Na’ama I was not aware of “ The Dome ” by Stephen King. Now I feel that I am in good company… Sadly my domes are jet black for they make use of the mountain of plastic waste collecting on planet earth.
Oh, oh, oh … well. I think I’ll take my risks not under the dome … 😉
For now … 😉
New London sounds like quite the place to be.
It may not be all it is cracked up to be Iain, for the dome colour is jet black. As it is made using recycled plastic
I’m with Ellen… I’m staying put.
Well done, Michael.
I think that staying put is OK for the moment, Dale.
It’s not for me! Great take Michael.
Here’s my story.
Nor me Keith, but I am glad that you liked the story.
Certainly alluring this new city. But Ellen may not agree. Difficult to give up old and embrace new.
I agree Abhijit, it can be very difficult to give up familiar surroundings, however good the new is.
Sounds good. I’d like a map to get there.
Maps are banned by those in charge, . Like all new things, getting access is hard. But I thank you so much for your comment Bernadette.
A cross between Wall-E and the Simpsons movie! Sounds like a nightmare
Wall-E is fun, but I never took to the Simpsons. Will planet earth end up with cities under domes, time will tell
It did in the simpsons! The EPA was responsible (environment protection agency)
‘Environmental Protection Agency’, sounds to much like, having to acquiesce to authority.
Hmm, I’m in two minds about New London. It sounded great until I learned it’s encased in a plastic dome!
You are right to be careful, for the dome is made of black plastic.
That sounds like my-kinda-plan. Except the plastic bit. Not going sign up for that.
Interesting take on the prompt.
Have a cheery weekend!
Thank you Natasha. At the present time you are right to not sign up to a dome covered city.
I keep feeling like there is a catch.
You are right, at the present time, there are very many catches.
Good story, Michael. Living under a black dome sounds creepy to me. At least for now, I’ll stay in the open air. Well done. 🙂 — Suzanne
Living where the air is free is much better in my view. Glad you commented on the story, thank you
Kind of a sci-fi feel to this one. I’d really like to see a borth 🙂
At times I would appreciate to be able to use a borth myself. Thank you Granonine