The Trace

Only one slight flicker of the facial muscle gave her away, lasting less than a second, but it was noticed, the smirk. Seen as she turned left and drove in front of me. Her sharply fixed hair and dress code spoke of her employment in the forces. But was that the police or something more sinister, but soon the little incidents started happening. Yes you have guessed it, my bike has joined the millions of others now encased in concrete. Unfortunately the Force organisation has control over almost everything that happens on planet earth.

Now that’s dastardly. I think there’ll be an uprising
Dastardly indeed… thank you Neil
Powerful! 🙂
Thank you Reena,
Intriguing story, Michael.
Thank you Rochelle, a few of my flash stories are linked to the Force’s organisation. I sometimes think that I should pull them altogether into a novella
The world really will be screwed if riding bicycles becomes illegal! Interesting story, Michael.
Cycling does not get enough resources. England lacks well designed cycle tracks/lanes.
I like how you described that miniscule facial movement that gave her away.
It is nice to hear that. Thank you
I like “sharply fixed hair and dress code,” indicating she’s a member of the forces. And it’s an imaginative take on the prompt.
Thank you so much Penny.
Scary take on the prompt. Glad The Forces aren’t around right now.
I agree, the Force within my imagination are all powerful.
The ubiquitous ‘They’ who control everything are taking even bikes?
They are unknown to most of earths inhabitants
The smirk would have been enough to worry me!
Me to, me to
I really like this. The facial expression, the description paint a clear picture. What will they do next, put their boots in concrete?
Or worse I suspect,
Very intriguing take on the prompt, Michael.
The photo challenged me.
Anybody with too much power will surely abuse it. That’s an abuse of power.
Power can be a slippery thing. As the Force will discover