The Smell

Come walk a little with me. Yes I know it’s an alleyway, but you never know what you might find. Yes I know there will be bins and rats, but there will be interesting things also. Just look around as we walk.
Do you I hear it; it sounds like a heart beating. Shall we look closer. If you look at those garage doors, the sound seems to be coming from there.
Yes they are interesting. It is unusual to see bare wood so well protected.
Look they are slightly ajar. Let’s be quiet and try and get closer. What a smell, it’s like my grandads workshop. I can smell newly cut wood, and linseed oil, turpentine and shellac. Malcolm look do you see all those woodworking tools. They are worth a pretty penny or two. This garage belongs to old Mr Townsend, they say that he’s a real fine wood carver, apparently he so good that he works for royalty. Malcolm we got a choice, we can pinch some tools; or you can speak up for yourself. Go on ask him if he would offer you a apprenticeship. It would be better than nicking stuff. Go on ask him.
A chance to set foot on the right track.
I hope you are right, thank you Iain
The POV of the narrator is exceptionally interesting. Your not quite sure who he is, sounds like a thief himself at first. It’s heart warming at the end to find out it’s a Dad and they’ve only snuck in here so he can teach his son to be a better person than a thief and to have a better life by asking to apprencetiship under this talented man. Smart Dad.
I was unsure as I wrote this story, a story which has elements of fact within it, how it might come over to the reader. Your comment has reassured me, thank you Mandi
You’re welcome
A read a news story yesterday about an event in one of the rural communities a few hours from where I live. A person tried to rob the owner of a auto repair shop. The owner offered the man a job rather than give him any money. The robber left, came back and shot the owner, then took his money. Glad your fellow took a different path.
Your news story is so sad, and an indictment of modern life. I wanted nothing more than a job working with vehicles when I left school. Ambition came later.
Hopefully the alleyway led the way to a positive future.
Click to read my SunPhoFic!
It did, Mr Thownend was a great teacher. Thank you Keith.
very nice – I was expecting humor and you gave us rich culture and aspiring folks…
also – question
was this a typo:
there’s will be bins and rats, but there’s will
should the there’s be there?
Thank you Prior for your comments. The story was a slice of life from my adolescent years. My typo is corrected I hope, thank you again.
oh my pleasure and sometimes words are spelled that way for the character’s voice – so I was not sure –
Unusual piece from you, Michael, but nicely done and with a strong message.
Most of us need guiding at some point. I was pleased to read your feedback, thank you.
It never hurts to ask, it can change your life. Hope it changed his.
A good mentor allows his charges to make their own decisions, but steers carefully. I have had some good teachers.
Interesting perspective and slightly odd way of asking for an apprenticeship, but still an engaging story.
Thank you athling, It was odd, but that was the 1960s, one could just knock on doors looking for employment.
I certainly hope Malcolm takes the right path. The other one leads to a bad end. Good writing, Michael. —- Suzanne
Help in finding the right path is so valuable, so I really thank you for your feedback. Mike