The Play Ground

In and out of the weeping willow trees he went, wandering like a lost spirit. It was as if he was a puppy, just tasting the air. You know checking out those interesting spots. It was as if he was wrapped in the fine tendrils of kelp, drifting in the ocean. But the bad lands awaited him. For he left his paradise and headed out over swathes of grass, past signs which said Keep Off. All the colours of the rainbow lay before him, as the parks gardener shouted can’t you read lad. But he could neither read or hear.
Happy new year readers, todays story is from my memoirs, I was about five years of age, and rather deaf.
The comparison with a puppy sets the scene so vividly.
I was lucky to be able to wander like a puppy as a child. Thank you Sandra,
A poignant story, more so that it is from your memoirs. The puppy simile is wonderful.
Thank you, I am so pleased you liked it. I was a happy little puppy that day.
Dear Michael,
Picturesque story and more interesting because of its truth. Was it true deafness or ‘selective hearing?’
A bit of both: the bones in my middle ear were often adhering together.
oh dear
No need to worry,
Fabulous. You took chronic middle ear infection to a literary high.
Lovely images wandering from the high seas to green lawns 🙂
That’s how it seemed to me at the time. At the time the park in Banbury was full of flowers and well maintained.
Parks used to be safe places. Maybe because they had park keepers.
To many places need a caring hand these days. My dog often picks up empty cans and bottles. He then drops them at my feet for me to put in a refuse bin. If I only had a penny for each item.
I like the imaginative and inquisitive child.
That pleases me. Thank you.
Some lovely description there, Michael.
That’s kind of you. It was a good time.
A child’s imagination is powerful
That’s true, it feels like I never grew up.
I love the wimsical, almost magical feling you’e portrayed in your piece. Simply delightful.
Thank you Keith for such a nice comment.
Lovely images you have created, Michael!
Thank you Dale, it was a beautiful park to visit. It also did have children’s play area, but I preferred to wander.
Great imagery. Loved it.
Thank you for your kind feedback. At that time Banbury park was a great place to visit.
Beautiful descriptions, Michael. Loved the dreaminess in your tale.
As others have said, a lovely dreamlike quality to this tale. Well done Michael
Thank you Lynn
I really liked this one. I didn’t picture a child, but a full grown person so lost in the moment that nothing else in the world mattered…. Thank you for that moment of peace. It was much needed and a pleasure to enjoy! Happy New Year, Michael.
I was pleased to read the way that you interpreted my story. Happy new year
Liked you stpry, the picture you’ve drawn. I think you’ve used a lot of extra words though, with those, “it was as if he was starters. How about “he was like” or “he seemed like”?
Thank you Christine, I can have a tendency to be rather flowery. It was diffinately how I saw things as a child. However I am always pleased to know how a story can be altered.
I have much to learn about being brief, yet clear — and it looks like I need to learn how to spell, too. 🙁 You need the fingers of a child for today’s phones.
I wish that I could use today’s phones. As for the ability to spell, it still eludes me.
I like running and nosing around like a puppy Nicely done.
It can be fun, untill one’s stomach rumbles.
Oh, my heart! I want to go puck up that little boy and hug him 🙂
I suspect that he was usually to grubby to be hugged, but I loved the sentiment. Thanking you and sending a new year hug to you.
Right back atcha, Michael 🙂
Wonderful little memoir. It seems as though the hearing loss actually allowed a fuller enjoyment of the colorful imagery around you. What a vivid memory.
Thank you so much Jan, fortunately my hearing improved whilst my love of nature remains.
Sounds like a wonderful free-spirited childhood.
Thank you Fatima. It had its moments, but it did mean that I was somewhat of a day dreamer at school.
Ha ha! Some of the best people and writers often are daydreamers. And I say this as a fellow daydreamer myself
Bless his heart. The gardener needed to take his little hand and guide him back home. I hope he eventually did. A lovely memoir, Michael. 🙂 — Suzanne
Thank you Suzanne, gardening did become part of my life.
I loved how you saw this as a garden as freedom – awesome take on the prompt 🙂
Thank you for such a lovely comment. I count myself fortunate that a love of nature became part of my life.
Such ethereality in his wandering – lovely. Although I wonder what happens next and am glad it’s only a gardener and not a gamekeeper shouting at him.
Thank you Sarah Ann, I did meet gamekeepers, but fortunately my love of gardens and nature has always seen me right.
You sound happy in spite of the disability. But I have heard that the absence of one sense intensifies the others. Maybe that is why you are such a fine writer.
Thank you Susan, fortunately my hearing improved markedly. More recently I have gained so much from attempting to write flash fiction, .
Very descriptive narrative, Michael. Well done. Good to hear your condition improved over the years. Cheers, Varad
Thank you Varad,
Beautiful writing, Michael!
Such a lovely comment, thank you.