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The Penthouse

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Photo copyright: a mixed bag.

It was quite a normal Sunday morning, well not a morning anymore, for it was ten minutes past two in the afternoon. Maureen lay between fresh white sheets, beside her was the latest man to visit her bed. He was moaning slightly as her fingers explored his body. She realised now, how little most men understood the female body. Her thoughts wandered to the Sunday crowd outside. Maureen recalled the days when she was on the streets of London. Now she had power and wealth, yet she still hungered for those lost days of her childhood. Up until her mother met the man who was to become Maureen’s stepdad.

Maureen ran away to London instead of suffering the abuse her stepfather fetched to her bedroom. However once in London, Maureen found herself embroiled in the Soho scene. Now as Madam of this house, she had regained control over her life. She alone decided who visited her bed. Usually she made them suffer. But today was Sunday and the youngster laying beside her could have been her grandchild. Maureen decided that when the boy beside her woke, she would visit the local Salvation Army Hostel. Making her usual donation to help in removing youngsters from the street.


This Post Has 6 Comments
  1. Not sure I’d be too keen on sleeping with a woman old enough to be my grandmother. Glad to see she’s finally in control of her life and is trying to help others, though.

  2. Sometimes you see someone who really needs your help in some way. In control of her own life and trying to bring help to those who have lost control of theirs. Good story Michael.

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