The Old Pier

In times of yore, many used my gift. Now should you try to reach the settlement on far shore, You will drown. A barricade has been created. Should you try to wade, you cannot evade the trap set. For they took my skin and left me with bare bones. They do not want you on far shore. Stay here in the jungle, for no longer can you join the club. So build you future here on my shore, for they say that there is no space in their world.
Dear Michael,
It doesn’t sound like a very friendly place.
Hi Rochelle
I wrote this piece sitting in a freezing showroom [heating broken] I am full of cold and waiting for my car which is being repaired. Either the grey sky in the photo or the cold here got to me. Cheers
I feel your pain, Micahel. I’ve been in that position more times than I care to count. There was the one time two years ago I sat in my cold car in the midst of winter waiting for a two truck. The driver had gotten the wrong directions and it took him an hour to find me. If that wasn’t bad enough, his heater was out.
I guess this refers to the current migration crisis. A powerful piece with an impressive voice. Well done.
‘For they took my skin…’ is such a wonderful creepy line. In fact the whole thing is menacing. I like it.
I would gladly build my life on those shores, to me it is the voice of Mother Nature speaking in your story. I loved it very much.
Do I need a visa to go there?
‘They’ don’t like foreigners/strangers.
You ain’t from here you don’t belong.
Well described.
I think it still surprises everyone.
For they took my skin and left me with bare bones. Wow! I love this line. Your entire piece is bare-bones chillilng.
Well told. Very powerful language. I share your despair at the way barricades are going up all over the world. It seems that ‘border protection’ is now the number one virtue for governments. Too bad about the freezing, dying souls beyond the borders.
Very topical, the closing of the borders.
Lovely imagery in this – really enjoyed your take on this week’s prompt.
I’d rather stay in the jungle than go ‘there’. I see this as a lament about barricades, too, but mostly the ones inside of us. Very powerful story.
Nice voice. Thanks for the story.
Lovely, very rhythmic!
I have read and re-read this… powerful in so few words.
They don’t sound like the kind of people I would want to hang out with anyway.
A great deal said in this short 100 word story.
Powerful …
I could shut my eyes and imagine this place, and the photo would confirm your words. I like the voice of the pilings. I like your story.
Very moving and poignant. The voice is haunting. I too am going with immigration, a sad and ugly new look at this…
Creepy. I see this water zombie thing in my mind’s eye just waiting to devour anyone fool enough to step into the water
Zombies who live in water. Undead pirates and sailors and such.