The Hill

I wondered if any of the gang would be alive. The town had given permission for the development of our hunting grounds. When the diggers moved in… well the less said the better… Clive, I was a shock to see him approaching using two walking sticks. Robert appeared steering the mobility scooter erratically. Anne was the last to arrive, her stooped appearance shocked me. Was that it, Only four left out of the sixteen.
Clive’s walking aids where razor sharp, the buggy carried our armoury, as for Anne she was as wicked as ever. It was juicing time.

I love the idea of octagenerian warriors
Me to… today, I met several who where older than myself, but still full of get up and go.
Dear Michael,
There may have been snow on the mountain but the fire was still there. Fun piece.
Today my story was brought home to me, as I sat talking over coffee with several octogenarians still with lots of get up and go
Where there’s life there’s generally an old person making the best of it. 🙂
That is true Sandra, over coffee today I was privileged to talk with several octogenarians
What a hoot! I should maybe turn my cane into a sword stick 🙂
Linda, I had a good time today nattering over coffee with octogenarians, fortunately for me, they had left their sword sticks at home
At least they still have spirit.
My spirits are always lifted by conversation and coffee,
Lovely story.
I am glad that you enjoyed it. I had been planning a longer story, where the grandchildren of my octogenarians came to their grandparents rescue,
Once one acquires a taste for juice, the thirst remains forever…
For me the list is to long, starting with dandelion and burdock
It is good that four were able and willing to reunite.
Able perhaps, but as for willing only time will tell. As the youngest member of the gang, I needed lots of coffee to stay awake…
One last hurrah for the old gang! Invigorating 🙂
I understand that in the gangs home town, the sales of coffee were more than doubled, perhaps to keep the gang members awake.
I like that attitude. So much better than watching telly and wearing beige clothes.
TV can be far to hypnotic, as for beige, the only beige I like is coffee
Sounds like there’s life in the old dog yet.
I hope so
i commend their fighting spirit. well done. 🙂
One has to fight, otherwise the pen never reaches the paper,
Age is but a number, at least that’s what I keep telling myself!
When I was fifteen I wanted to be sixteen, how silly was I.
You can’t hold an energized senior down.
Good one, Michael. Have a great day.
Thank you Isadora, I know a few energetic seniors, they do not allow me to slumber
What a wonderful visual image I got of the warriors. Love it.
I am so pleased, thank you
Don’t underestimate the old.
Love it!
Thank you,
Gathering together no matter to reason can be invigorating. Nicely done, Michael! 🙂
Thank you Brenda, meeting friends for coffee, keeps me younger
They’ve kept their fighting spirit alive, and that’s all they need. I love the picture of the sticks and walking frames being transformed.
Thank you Margaret, a determination to succeed helps keeps the mind and body fit, health permitting
Nice one, Michael.
I am glad that you enjoyed it.
This reminded me of the Sylvester Stalone movie, “The Expendables.” Sly got the old gang back together. Of course, they were in their 50s and 60s. You took it to that next level, maybe two levels. Fun story.
I have not seen the expendables, I will look out for it.