Take Two

Hello Stanley, the filming going great, thank you. I’m off to Gayle tomorrow. Shooting at an old mill. It has atmosphere. The river Ure is in flood and the mills machinery is deadly. I will be shooting a murder scene. One of the turbines will eat someone. The river will turn red with blood. Might I persuade you brother to donate a few pints? Your mad old chap, the trout in the river will end up tasting muddy… I do not mind that brother, as I don’t relish trout..

That is some movie’s story with- Turbine eating someone!
You like salmon fish?
Thank you Anita, Pink trout or salmon, I enjoy both, but only if the water they swim in is not polluted
Seems a perfectly good reason for exsanguinating his friend
I think that this chap might be exsanguinating to many individuals
Doesn’t sound like mmy kind of film, but the behind the scenes story will be interesting!
I am with you Iain, it is a story that is developing out side my comfort zone.
One nasty old dude.
I think you may be right, but I am unsure how this film and its director will develop
Well, that’s downright spooky and a delightful take on the prompt.
Alicia, there is an element of sinister about this character and his family
More blood the merrier — the rule of film.
That is certainly true, but I am not sure if the film will be sinister or become a comedy
I recall a movie called Blood River, I’m wondering if this is a sequel!
Hi Keith, Blood River certainly has depth to it. I don’t think that I could do justice to it for a sequel, as yet I am not sure if the outcome/heart of my film will become sinister or comedic
Hi Micheal, is it a scene from an a TV series? Murder seems to be the staple of all Tv drama these days.
Hi James, you are so right Tv drama’s… myself I am hoping that the film turns out to be more of a comedy,
Are we certain that the film maker hasn’t been bitten in the neck recently? Collecting pints of blood here and there, what a perfect way to get to the stuff without raising suspicion. In any case, great unique take on the prompt.
He could have been bitten, there are lots of midges about. Myself I am hoping that the film will turn out to be a comedy
Really frightening stuff. Fantastic.
Thank you, I am beginning to wonder if possibly this story/film may turn out to be a mixture of anime and manga
Well, but it’s just a movie, right? Those pints he was asking for are beer, right? RIGHT??
Hi Linda, neither beer or milk I am afraid, but I understand that Lludd Llaw Eraint will intervene. It seems that the film may turn out to be Anime
A great death scene to film by the sound of it. I’d watch the movie…
Laurie, my muse is now trying to develop this story, along the line of Japanese Anime…
I love the “donation” part…
Not my kind of filmmaker. I think I shall stay away from any filming!
Thank you Dale, I think that you are wise to stay away. There are so many rumours about this film.
That’s some film.
It certainly is, there are many rumours about what is happening in and around this film