Stone Age Man

You may call me a Stone Age man as I look at the night sky on Ilkley moor bar t’at. I have left many warning signs, I hope you take note of them. For I did see a swirling blue giant, which became strong in the night sky.
She was powerful in the darkness of the night, shining deadly bright. Many built temples throughout the earth to her majesty. My simple marks may have faded and been covered by nature. But they may yet be seen again, if she crosses the earth and burns again in the night sky.
Foot Notes
The dialect song “On ilkla moor baht’at” is often thought of as Yorkshires unofficial anthem and can be sung to the hymn tune Cranbrook. The song has elements of love followed by death and reincarnation.
Ilkley Moor has many ancient stone carvings each of a swirling nature. Stone Age Man is my take on why these carving came to be made.
[Follow up to the Stone Age Man]
Yes she may at first amaze you, even wow you. That iridescent blue of her skin may seem to welcome, but flee whilst you can. Do not say that I did not warn you. For now that she is with you, death will travel across right across the realm. Even the clouds will flee, whilst the waters of the earth will return to Osiris. When Adrasteia releases her own iridescent blue cloud, all must first kneel before her, then fall prostrate on to the earth. Then her minions will come forth and harvest.
You may not wish to believe me, but I was one of the few who survived her first visit. She devoured every city of our world in order to feed, even powerful Atlantis would fall beneath her. My friend Apollonius called her a foundling of the gods. My name, it does not matter, but I am the father of Benjamin and my story can be found within the story of my son known as Benjamin Blue.
When Adrasteia first arrived those who could, hurried to see her majesty. They thought that she was the most beautiful thing that they had ever seen. But I could not go with them as my wife was dying after the birth of Benjamin our first child.
When the clouds of blue gas started to come forth from Adrastiea I saw this from my home on the hill, and I saw what happened when it reached people. So I ran, yes I ran as fast as my legs would carry me and my new born son. I did not even stop to bury my wife, “god forgive me”, for I had seen what came forth from the abdomen of the goddess, things so hard to discribe, shaped like slugs yet with fins like fish. Fins which allowed them to swim within the deep blue liquid gas that now spewed forth from Adrasteia’s belly. The queen had started on her mission to change the earths atmosphere and so give life to her spawn. It was the spawn of Satan.
That last line reveals to me an epic love story. Beautiful.
Hello Lor’e. Thank you for your kind words, a love story it is, and a memory of powerful visitors from space,
Dear Michael,
Atmospheric piece.
Thank you, Rochelle, Ilkleys Moor is indeed rather atmospheric. I have now added a footnote to my post.
Beautiful and powerful story Michael! Fantastic take on the prompt. Heidi 🙂
MORE, please!!!! Must have MORE because I want to know what else is going to happen. Terrific! 😀
Many landscapes talk so much to me, that they tempt me to write more, as do your kind comments. Thank you so much, Mike
interesting and enjoyable take on the prompt
Thank you. Mike
Intriguing voice in your story today. It draws me in.
A voice from deepest antiquity, talking today. That is how I see Ilkley Moors and much of the landscape around me.
Years ago I developed two novels on this theme. Your comments have encouraged me to revisit them. Thank you. Mike
Beautiful! The past holds so many mysteries and you illustrate that perfectly.
Thank you for your comments,they are much appreciated, Mike
Good info on Yorkshire legends and history. Thanks!
Thank you, spicedmullings. Sadly! This prompt by CEAYR has led me to write five testimonies to the visitation by the blue spaceship? The way things are going I can see more testomies arriving, along with the tale of Stone Age Man and his son Benjamin Blue.
I can identify with it.
I had couple of stories in mind and was playing tic tac toe on them to see which I would publish!
O the woe’s of a writer, at least we are not suffering from writers block.
I shall use tic tack toe next time. Thanks for the tip. Mike
A very poetic piece, Michael. You paint a fantastic word picture. Powerful and well written. — Suzanne
Thank you Suzanne, This piece of flash fiction is to be a small section of a medium length story I have been working on over the last year or two! Mike