Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre

Who was she. God she was beautiful, but dead as a Dodo. What the hell was she doing in my house? Even Shakespeare and his Globe Theatre would have found it difficult to beat her dramatic pose. Then there were the lights, NASA could not have done better! Out of instinct I drew my Walther PPK.
As I moved to a less exposed position, my visitor and her lights vanished. I decided to keep what I had seen to myself for the moment. Perhaps I will talk with the boss later.
Just for a moment I froze as I looked down on Earth
I have amended the first and last lines. After posting this story.
Hmmm. As Alice said, “Curiouser and curiouser.” I’m afraid I got lost as to what the story’s about, although it IS a really cool read. 🙂
Me also. This is perhaps one story for the bin. I started of with one story but ended up with three differing stories mixed up together.
I have a feeling Mr Bond has got mixed up with aliens.
Ha.. I guess that being up there with a dead gal is another problem for Mr Bond.
I think that the aliens need him to sort out a problem for them.
Aliens abducted James Bond?
Even perhaps universes colliding, as Shakespeare wants in on the act as well as Mr Bond !!!
LOL Unexpected Twist on the prompt. Marvelous!
I do believe the place is haunted.
Or perhaps differing universes are colliding. Bond, Shakespeare and Sci fi what a mixture !
Intriguing. Nice to see Mr Bond make a guest appearance, but I fear he may be out of his depth with aliens!
Bond and Sci fi, what a mixture. Mike
Dear Michael,
I got rather lost also. I should’ve connected Bond with M but didn’t quite get there. Mysterious.
I got lost too, I started writing about a missing person and Shakespeare !!!. Then I thought about a detective, then Mr Bond turned up !!!
James Bond and Aliens, what a great idea–and read.
Perhaps I should call a film company . Really glad that you liked the story. Mike
Intriguing…we need a sequel.
Now that would be a challenge.
A new Bond girl! Fun
Sci Fi meets Mr Bond, who has to turn detective! I am pleased you liked my rather strange story. Mike
I got the reference to Bond 🙂 An interesting take on the prompt. 🙂
Thank you Claire,
I like the visual image, but must confess I had a hard time deciphering the story.
Me too. I was having one of those day. I would write it different, but I have a habit of posting early drafts, as occasionally I find that return and find something to use in another story. I am sorry for the hard time, Mike
Interesting take and mix of Bond and aliens. I enjoyed the read and thought I’d followed it right until the last line.
I the author was having one of those moments, with a least three or four stories all mixed together. In the end Mr Bond was teleported on to an alien space ship, traveling between differing time zones. !
You found something new for Mr Bond to do! Altho, he did look down on earth from Moonraker….sorry. Still, a nice piece 🙂
This time he is going to travel out into space.
that’s good, cuz Captn Kirk has had his way with all those female aliens long enough 😉
I also want to read a sequel. Very neat take.
I will try when the right prompt picture arrives, I will attempt a sequel. I sometimes find that I end up writing a series/set of about three stories over several weeks to get the character out of my head.
I shall wait for it.
I hope that you don’t have to wait to long. Mike
Got lost in the stars, eh Mike?
That’s very easy for me,
Grin grin grin!
Me too!
There is a fun mixture of storytelling in this little piece.
Certainly a mixture.
Well, Mike, that will be a new one. James Bond was abducted by aliens. I hope his solution satisfies them. I wouldn’t want to anger aliens. Good writing. I love a good mystery. 🙂 — Suzanne