Saturn’s Spites

The hierarchy of Saturn’s confederations had held sway for millennia, despite a wide gulf of life forms. Whilst the gas sprites had often sorely tried the dragon lords patience with their playful behaviour. They also kept tight control over the smaller gas based life forms that percolated the deeper reaches of the main body of Saturn. Yes Saturn and it’s moons were a microcosm of distinctive beings. Which the sprites cultivated then brought together to form star like beings that gave patterns off heat and thus melted Saturn’s ice crystals. The resulting patterns in the liquid formed Saturn’s communication network.

I’ve got to try some of that Saturnian wine. Where can I get a bottle?
My being tea total it is difficult to know, but possibly at Cape Canaveral. Hic…
A fun read, Michael. Enjoyed it. 🙂
I was chuffed to read your comment, thank you
What a fun concept, well done, Michael.
I was so pleased to read your comment, thank you…Sometimes writing flash works for me.
If I ever want a good resource regarding “sprites” I will surely check you out. You write with great authority and knowledge. 😀
I love your comment,… It is strange I can visit Saturn, but not attend any railway model events. So be it
Even playful sprites have their uses!
That is true, at the moment I can at least visit Saturn, even if I can not meet up with far flung friends
Delightfully different, nice one Michael.
Thank you Keith, At the present time I can at least visit Saturn, even if I can not meet up with far flung friends
So that’s what the deeper reaches of Saturn’s main body look like, aha. How soon can we get there and have the dragon lords tried our wine yet?
Fortunately our wine on Saturn is considered to sweet … Sadly at the moment we are being denied the opportunity to visit Saturn, due to the same reason that I am not allowed meet up with far off friends, so be it
Such an original take on the prompt. Let’s hope we can all get to Saturn again sometime soon.
Saturns residents are not sure that we would find their home conducive to us.
Dear Michael,
A different and imaginative take on the prompt. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle for all that you do for Friday Fictioneers
Such a wonderfully imaginative tale. You do science fiction well.
What a lovely comment, thank you
Ah, those sprites sound delightful. I hope they escape to cause a little mischief
Mischievousness is not allowed on Saturn
Do dragons drink much? I imagine it burns the throat.
Now there’s a thought, but I am told, where there is a desire, a way will be found.
What a clever tale, Michael. I enjoyed it very much!
Thank you Brenda, I hope that you have a good Christmas