Round and Round

I sit here drinking my coffee, whilst many pass. To where and when only they know. If variety is the spice of life then I maybe I should be drinking a spiced lassi. So many differing individuals pass, that it seems the whole world is passing my feet… Family ties link a few, many appear to be traveling on a wheel to nowhere.
As the missile lands, my lassi vaporised, whilst a hundred and two families cry out in pain… No one noticed natures tears± or her shiver as her home heated up. Fight less or fly less.

Reality of our times.
I love spiced lassi and don’t want it to vaporise before I have enjoyed it…
This week I was trying to develop a thought into a story, perhaps if I had had a lassi my muse might have had more chance.
Dear Michael,
Fight less. Now there’s a thought. Nicely done.
This week I was trying to develop a thought into a story, perhaps if I had had some spiced lassi my muse might have had more chance.
A bit less fighting would be nice. What a mess we are in.
I agree Iain, this week I was trying to develop a thought into a story, perhaps if I had had a lassi my muse might have had more chance.
A thoughtful and thought-provoking piece, Michael
Thank you Neil, I was attempting to try writing something different, but my muse took over
Disaster strikes without warning. Fight less… if only! Spiced lassi is good.
Spiced lassi is rather good, I was attempting to try writing something different, but my muse took over
Chilling, gone in an instant.
Sadly such is life for those living in war torn countries
Prophecy for sure and good advice about the warring and aimless wandering unless it’s on two legs or on/in a non-motorized vehicle.
I was attempting to write something different, but my muse took over.