Recorded Mail

Dear Joanne
By the time you receive this letter your father and I will be in Narnia. Darling we do understand why you felt that you had to stay on Atrae… There is something you need to know about the portal. When your grandparents used it, it was in a wardrobe. When we found the portal, it was within a mirror. It seems likely that every decade it changes location and form. Should you desire to visit Narnia, you will need to look deep into your soul. The magic will begin when you reach the portals silhouette.
Love Mum

Now I think that Narnia might become just that bit more difficult to find this decade. Lovely idea, Michael.
I am pleased you liked the idea, Sandra.
I love the idea of the portal changing. I wonder what it will be next. Great story. I really like the use of the letter to tell it.
Thank you so much Jilly. I have been experimenting with letters and dialogue… I do have an idea for a follow up story, but at the present time I am somewhat unsure about it. Time will tell
I wonder if she’ll seek it out. A lovely piece Michael.
Not for some while, she has a mission to handle on Atrae.
What a great idea! A portal that changes. Hope the children find Narnia and meet their parents again.
Susan A Eames at
Travel, Fiction and Photos
Dear Michael,
Imaginative and clever story in a letter. Nicely done.
Thank you for such a kind comment Rochelle.
I, too, love the idea of the changing portal. I’ll be looking in other places for it now since my wardrobe never got me there. BTW, I think you want to change the My to By in the first sentence. No biggie…
Change made,I am so pleased you let me know. It does seem that the portal has a mind of its own. Thank you.
I wonder whether the portal is now a part of Pokémon Go?
Good story, Michael.
Glad you enjoyed it Neel
A sort of chasing the family through space and time. Interesting.
Certainly family members can slip between differing realms. Glad her story held interest.
Maybe the portal is this window? It looks like an upper floor, so it would take a good dose of imagination and spunk to attempt to go through! And the consequences of being wrong…
It could be a window, but not in this case. Thank you for commenting.
PS in the US, we call it registered mail, assuming google gave me the right definition. 🙂
I think registered would do fine, as the letter has travelled through several countries. Had I have a higher word count, I might have indicated some form of magic being used to ensure the letter was received and read,
i believe there’s an app for that now. 🙂
I guess there is
Is she worthy? Let’s hope so.
I do hope so
Intriguing tale Michael. Is this a pre- or post- story to the one in Sunday Photo Fiction?
Hi Susan, I am not sure at the present time. But I think post.
I think when I find it, I’m not telling anyone… 😉 Sometimes mums have to get away…
Now then Dale we can’t have you disappearing, can we
Nice one, Michael 🙂
So pleased you enjoyed it.
Lovely story, Michael!
Glad you enjoyed it Sascha
It is getting harder to search the depths of our souls, thus making our Narnias slip further away. Beautiful story.
It certainly seems to be getting. Glad you enjoyed the story
Still moving! When will you settle down?
Ha ha. You made me smile, thank you.
Such an imaginative take on the prompt. I like Mum’s matter of fact tone, telling her daughter the practicalities of finding the portals, blended with the magic of Narnia. Good story.
So pleased to read your comment, as the blending of magic and fact was what I was aiming for. Thank you.
This is a very imaginative piece. I like the structure you used with the letter too.
So pleased to read your feedback, as I am trying to experiment with my writing at present
Nice, like the relevance of the mirror from last week, I wonder if it would be possible to intertwine a tale through out the FF? I’ll try it next year, i’m stuck in a nursery rhyme trip right now and can’t find my way out of that particular portal!
Intertwined stories are alright, but I have found that they can carry my writing into a cul’de’sack
I might try it next year!!
Oh, I hope Joanne find the portal. What a lovely tale in letter form! =)
So pleased you enjoyed it, as I am experimenting with the formatting of my writing. Thank you for the comment
I feel Joanne will have to search hard and open her mind in order to find her own portal.
She certainly will, but she has a head start, she knows about Narnia
Wonderful. Perhaps the portal is in this room and I haven’t recognized it. Thank you.
It could be, perhaps the portal moves much more often than I realised. There are unseen benefits from having the portal near at hand, it gives…
That’s good Love the spirituality of the piece.
Dr Who starts soon. Maybe the Tardis…?
I have followed the Doctors adventure from the very beginning, as a child I remember having my nose to a TV shop window, watching the Tardis and the first doctor.
That was mythical liked the interpretation of the prompt
Thank you Akshata, so glad you enjoyed it, it good to read your feedback
I think it can be anywhere…. we are just never prepared when we are at the portal
I agree with you Bjorn, so pleased you commented, thank you,
An imaginative and thoroughly enjoyable piece 🙂
I am pleased you enjoyed it.
A great story idea.
It was good to read your feedback, thank you.