Primeval Times

It was a time before time was counted; yes there were people, but they spoke a language which is long forgotten. They had no need for writing and lived in a period when they were free to wander. They constructed no memorials or religion. Although they had a slogan, ‘leave the world better than you found it’. Moving with the seasons allowed them to meet their needs. They survived for millennia, until new faces brought change to the lands. Now their descendants struggle to retain their identity. For they must obey modern rules, and not leave the world a better place.
That’s a depressing thought – not to leave the world a better place. A different take on the prompt.
Sorry Sandra. The prompt photo took me to Myanmar, and the exodus’s of the Rohingya
A true commentary.
The photo had me thinking of so many wondrous places, which are now off limits to most people
It’s almost like a dark prophecy come true. Good one, Michael.
Thank you Varad, the prompt photo got me thinking about how many beautiful parts of planet earth are being changed.
Very downbeat, let’s hope someone somewhere can change the rule! Nice writing.
Sorry Iain, was not meant to be downbeat, more a philosophical question, in particular about modern times,
Nothing wrong with a downbeat sorry, some of the best are.
Thank you so much Iain
Dear Michael,
A sad turn of events. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle. Events in Myanmar and else where, have got me thinking again
Those last few words are so telling where modern, mainstream culture is concerned.
Thank you Alice, I occasionally get rather philosophical. Recent events in Myanmar and some modern trends in capitalism have got me thinking again!
Nicely written, heavy message
Thank you. Recent events have pulled me back into a philosophical way of thinking.
I differ only in the expression that we no longer try to leave the world a better place…we do, every day. Even in little ways, like picking up the garbage idiots drop on the ground. Or, using our own coffee mugs when we go out to McD’s instead of adding more styrofoam/paper to landfills. Or even bringing your own bags to the grocery. It’s little things like that every could do, but don’t. A sad, sad world we live in.
Thank you Jelli. I agree, some people try hard to recycle etc. A recent torrent of paper work from state organisations got me thinking philosophically, which is something I can easily do.
A sobering thought, Michael. Some say language was invented to tell stories. Others disagree. I agree we should leave the world in a better state. Many people disagree by default, without putting thought into their actions, or just not caring. A thought provoking story, well told.
Thank you Kelvin, sometime I can get rather philosophical. I did not mean to get to solemn.
That’s a depressing thought; not leaving the world a better place and sadly probably prophetic.
Sorry Clare, I did not mean to get so philosophical.
Well, that is a dark depressing story if only because it is so true.
So sorry… I still have hope for the future, what is wrong can be put right.
Oh, I want to live in the first time, please. Lovely contrasts in your piece. Kudos
It might have been an interesting time. I now find myself wanting to write about how things might have been in that era. Thank you Alicia
It made me think of something completely different, but haunting. Well done!
Thank you Miles, Each prompt picture brings out so many offerings which is interesting.
Perhaps a future generation will right our wrongs.
Click to read my FriFic!
I certainly hope so… Keith sorry that I am not gifted at commenting, I am often amazed at the high quality of some comments. But I try to read every story posted on FF.
Well done. It would be nice (understatement) if all people considered leaving their environment better than they found it. However, that is unlikely when most people don’t see the environment around them to begin with. (Oh, goodness, I feel a soapbox approaching, better stop.)
Thanks–you definitely drew a response from this reader.
Thank you Sascha, there are so many who need society to wake up and care. I really hope that one day soon, a gifted individual finds a way to get the message over. Now I am on my soap box. Sorry.
Naw, we can both have a soap box on this. I suppose this is what is called: preaching to the choir.
We just have to get people off of their cell phones for a few weeks. Maybe do away with electricity. Have them start taking a look around. 🙂
Sounds like a story in the offing.
Sascha, there is definitely a story to be written.
And to think that such change has taken place in a relatively short period of time compared to the age of the earth. Amazing.
It amazes me to, thank you granonine
Sadly reflective of modern times. Nicely written
Hopefully other elements of modern times will bring repair.
Unfortunately, the Neanderthals were right….and we certainly don’t follow their creed!
Thank you kindredspirit23, it is hard to imagine the world as it might have been so long ago.
You captured that…it was excellent
Thanking you for your kind comment,