The phantom dinner
I see she’s a regular dinner here Bert. Do you both still sing Chim Chim Cher-ee. No my Mary’s right grown up now, but she still pops in for special occasions. She was here yesterday, dinned with Emily. Gave her a few tips. You know how to get the best out of an umbrella in London. I even heard her telling Emily to watch out for Chimney Sweeps. I did laugh. Bert have you still got that old car, you know Chitty, the one Coggins sold you. I have. Well let’s go and join Mary, or should I say Julie.
Footnote: I have added a footnote, following questions as to why I had not used paragraphs etc. This my original post for this prompt, was written as a continuous flow of words; perhaps Bert was dreaming… the altered version now appears in the position of my first post ! I am not quite sure how that has occurred. !
Nice take on Mary Poppins. If you would break it into paragraphs when changing characters it would be easier to read.
Sorry about the difficult read, in this version I saw Bert as dreaming. I have since posted a second version which is divided into paragraphs
I like the “continuous flow of words” version! =)
I am so glad to hear that, although I know it was much harder to read, it was that I originally saw Bert as dreaming…
It took me a moment to realize I’d read this earlier–Once I figured out what was going on, it was perfectly clear 🙂
Thank you, sorry about the need to publish two versions, but it did help me, sort out the story.
Like Brenda, I enjoyed the continuous flow.
Thank you jilly, it is really useful to understand how different styles of writing are seen.