New Memories

Alyssa wondered what the girls name was. In the words of her ancestors she called on the creator to be merciful. Then she tilted her face to the sky and lifted her voice to the heavens as she sang a ancient lullaby. She felt the child relax and the child’s heart rate slow.
A tap on her shoulder disturbed her as a voice said, we will take her mother. Elijah had returned with his father.
Three days later they returned with gifts including bell cloches; but the best gifts were a name – Anaya – and a pale but smiling female child.
I hope that is story stands alone, although it is a follow on story to ‘Change or Die’ which I posted yesterday. As I write this footnote there is another story knocking to get out, a story about Marjory: I will post it if it comes to anything.
OK, I’ll check it out. See you on the other side, sir. 🙂
Ah the other side of the universe, full power to the thrusters and watch out for black holes.
Thruster? Don’t even KNOW her …
Why sir; she and her friends are little beauty’s, one touch and they light their jet rockets.
OK, I’m back. Very interesting premise. It seems to stand alone. I did two stories myself, but pointed the old one first, then the sequel, Worked like a charm. Very good and complex story, Mike.
Glad you missed the black holes, welcome back.
Such a beautiful story and so sensitively told. Love the names as well 🙂
Thank you for such a kind comment. Sometimes I struggle to find the right names. So I was pleased to read the second part of your comment.
Yes I think this haunting little tale stands alone
So pleased to get your feedback, you helped me understand my writing better, due to the use of the word ‘haunting’
I think we all agree it stands alone! Delightful
Please click to read my FriFic
Thank you so much Keith. I was not sure, for as the author, I still had the earlier story about Alyssa in my head.
A beautiful and sad little story
Thank you so much, Bjorn.
Heart wrenching tale. Nicely written.
I was so pleased to get your thoughts on this story. Thank you.
Glad to know that the little girl survived. Nice follow up to the other tale, Michael. Cheers, Varad
Thank you Varad. Occasionally a story will dictate to me that it has more to say.
So well written, Michael. I really liked the name Anaya.
Thank you Moon. New Memories is a story which also pleases me,
“Anaya” is a beautiful gift, a lovely name.
I was also pleased with the names which arrived to live in this story. The prompt photo was so lovely, it demanded that I worked harder on my response and the names. I believe that there is a lesson for me in that.
Now I understand – a lovely ending to the story, and new friendships formed.
Occasionally a prompt or a story demands to me that I write more. I am glad that I did not disappoint you.
Thank you Sarah Ann. ‘New Memories’ and the linked story ‘Change or Die’, have reminded me of how the prompt photos effect my FF, for both prompt photos really spoke to me.
It stands alone but it is more fun together with the first part. Lovely story.
I am so glad to recieve your feedback, as I was pleased about how these two stories turned out.
Lovely take on the prompt
Click Here to see what Mrs. Dash Says
Thank you, I always read your stories, and try to comment.
A haunting tale about an intriguing world.
So pleased to read your comment, thank you so much. Mike
A sad but lovely story with some nice unusual names, Michael. Good writing. 🙂 — Suzanne
Thank you Suzanne, I enjoyed writing this story.
Beautiful and sad, Michael.
Thank you Sascha; this was a story that really am pleased that I wrote.
It’s wonderful when those come along! 🙂