Never never land

As I wait for inspiration I find myself wondering, is it time to hang up my pen. Although I still string together flash stories, I am not satisfied with the results. My creative muse seems to be sleeping or perhaps it has locked itself away in disgust at my slothful behaviour over christmas.
Maybe I should consider writing poetry or non fiction! In the meantime I will fire up the engine of my chariot and head into town. Perhaps in time my muse will follow… Never never land maybe waiting.
Some times it just doesn’t happen. Breaks disrupt the creative flow. The muse will return, on their own time…
Thank you so much Tannille,
Finding inspiration is a personal drive that needs the fuel of thoughts.
You are right James, I must work at recharging the conduits of my thought processes
Dear Mike,
We all have those times when our imaginary friends refuse to speak to us 😉 Hang in there.
It was good to hear from you Rochelle, I am attempting to recharge my muse, but wanted to explain my recent erratic response to prompts. Mike
I can’t count how many times I’ve stared at the prompt picture and then discovered the InLinks page was closed — too late! But there’s lots of times I’ve made it into a story and was very pleased with the unexpected result.
Eugenia I appreciate our support. For a story to please it author, that is special.
I’ve been away since August. No energy, too much work, staring at the prompts and: nothing. The muse apparently disappeared completely. Now I’m back and what do you know: ideas came back too. Taking a break is often needed. Don’t feel bad about it.
There is nothing wrong with taking a break, I hope that you are alright, I will watch out for your posts. Mike
I am, just too much work. That dampens creativity because I’m too tired in the evenings to do much.
Writing something is better than nothing. If you stop writing altogether, you’re never going to solve the problem.
You are right Iain, I do appreciate you taking the time to remind me.
just keep banging. either it breaks or you lose your head. 🙂
That true, thank you Plaridel
I was going to say what Iain said. Plus, this entry is as good as many of the stories. Sometimes writing about our struggles and reading the comments helps us to see we are not alone and to not give up.
Thank you so very much Dale…I felt the need to explain… being frustrated with the quality of my writing I shut down for a short period, but soon realised that was a bad decision.
Sometimes writing out our frustrations unlocks the blocks!
I empathize. I know how hard it can be to get back to writing after a break. My brain gives me, “U want mee 2 funkshin. Eh! im gowen bac ta sleeep!” It follows that up with the tongue sputter/raspberry sound. I’ve never been sure why that’s called a raspberry, since raspberries don’t make sounds.
Ha, raspberries are great, unfortunately one has to wake up!
Each day dawns anew. If you’re feeling stale, go on adventure. It’s a great way to spark creative flow.
To go on an adventure, that a great ideal. Writing stories is I guess a type of adventure. So an adventure to spark an adventure, spot on I think.
🙂 Yes! You could imagine what your perfect adventure would be…
Now you have me thinking, there are so many possibilities