Letter to America

Two golden eagles once flew proudly over Elmet’s valleys and wide rivers. When the Cistercian monks built Kirkstall Abbey, nature smiled. Little did she realise the folly of allowing humanity to settle in Elmet’s wide open spaces, soon proud forests were felled to build citadels. In no time wattle and dub was replaced with red bricks and stone. Then concrete arrived, allowing allowing tower blocks, hosting Cranes. Whilst Lowry like stick figures to populate ribbon like paths. Nature herself has fled… Mike

At present I am under the weather… fortunately not with Covid. But I am unwell and awaiting the medics to decide what to do, whilst I wait in hospital at Leeds. The Internet here is temperamental, so please forgive me if I am not able to comment this week. Mike Humphris
One day nature will reclaim it all.
That could well be true Iain
A justified passion, Michael
Appreciated Neil
Hope you’re getting to enjoy some peace and quiet. Get well soon and keep writing. Good, dreamy stuff here.
Thank you Anne Some peace, but not to much quiet.
So sorry you’re not feeling well. Maybe you just need a gingerbread treat :).
Linda, a ginger bread treat would go down well.
Nature will win in the end.
I hope you get well soon, Michael.
I guess that she will, thank you Jenne
A great reflective story.
Get well soon, Michael!
Thank you Gah, unfortunately it’s surgery for me…so be it.
Give humans a chance, and we’ll pave paradise to put up a parking lot.
I hope the docs figure things out and get up back up soon. Speedy recovery.
So true, thank you Nobbinmaug, it’s surgery for me unfortunately, so be it.
Nature always finds a way back.
I hope nature finds a way back in. Also, I hope you are feeling better now or will be feeling better soon. Take care, Michael!
Thank you Brenda… My story this week came to me from looking over the roof tops of Leeds from my hospital bed.
Dear Michael,
They call it progress, don’t they? Hope you’re feeling better soon.
Thank you Rochelle, the internet connection in my current hospital is total rubbish. I am unable to post comments, or take FaceTime calls… There is no TV or radio ! Not that I mind the latter two things. I hope that I will be able to see the next prompt and make a post. So I am going to try and write and illustrate a children’s story, but I do not know yet what will appear…mike
Nature will be back… 🙂
I certainly hope so
The more we try to fight nature, the more vicious she becomes. I suspect covid is another battle we might win, but nature will take the war in the end.
Speedy recovery to you.
Nature is fighting back the only way she knows. If all goes well I am told that I will be able to take part in a marathon
Human beings are terrible for mother earth.
It’s our lack of ability to be in tune with nature, but I think she will smack us hard if we do not wake up to her guidance soon.