Just breathe

Last week I was on holiday in rural Northumberland. I had no computer, phone or camera on purpose, and I managed to lose my reading glasses on day one. So I just chilled out… Bamburgh was my home for a glorious week, but the wilderness is in retreat. I have much to think about, yes human society has to develop, but how can this happen with destroying the very thing that gives humanity life. Nature is poorly, and it will need a very gifted individual to guide humanity into helping her get well soon.

Dear Michael,
If only humanity would help nature heal. Perhaps nature, in turn, would heal humanity. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle, I hope you are recovering from Covid
The conundrum of our age, and all the ages past. Finding balance is never easy.
I fear that understanding nature is at the present time beyond the ability of those who lead humanity
We need nature and nature needs us, it’s time we met on common ground.
So true
As a wise person said, we’ve spent a long time thinking what’s best for us is best for the world, we need to start learning that what’s best for the world will be best for us. Ideally before it’s too late.
So very true
After all the publicity around Cop26 last year, it hasn’t taken much for us all to completely forget about the climate crisis.
Sadly that does seem very true
A good take on the prompt and an excellent message. I fear it will take more than one individual’s insight and leadership to save the planet – we must all play our part. All it takes for evil to triumph is that good people do nothing.
It is true that we all need to play our part.
nature can only take so much punishment. humanity be damned. sooner or later, it’ll set things right.
You are so right,
We all need that balance to keep nature happy.
That is true
Nicely done, Michael.
Thank you Bill
Lovely piece 🙂
Thank you,
So true. How sad to watch the wilderness slowly disappearing. We all need to refocus – to tear our attention away from our busy, wired up lives so we can really see what’s happening around us. Well put, Michael.
Many commercial organisations appear unable to focus on the advantages that trading in a mode for natures survival would bring them…
We are the destructors of Mother Nature.
When will we start to realize that?
Nicely done … glad you had a good holiday.
Isadora thank you, these days I have rather mixed feelings around going on holiday