
The silence was frightening, nothing moved, nothing lived. Pristine sands. The deep blue ocean. So still. Once there would have been shadows cast by life. But now. No trees, no grasses, no insects. Even the humble bee was no more, for no flowers broke the monotony of the golden yellow sands. No clouds tainted the blue sky. There was no breeze to lift a single grain of sand. One solitary ruin remained on this planet, to hint at its past. But no one could visit planet earth. The radioactively of its surface was off the scale. Sterilised by a man…

A little too plausible right now for comfort
Neil That is true, although I started writing with something else in mind, I had taken the word timeless from the prompt picture.
Scary! This could happen very soon! Well done, Michael.
Hopefully not, Mason. I started writing about a idea centred around timelessness, but I got hijack,
Troubling in its tranquillity. Well done.
Very true Iain, I started of with harmony in my mind, then I got hijacked
A little too close to comfort at the moment, Michael, but I like how you build and build the silence and emptiness in this peace.
Thank you Jen, I did intend a harmonious piece, but my muse hijacked me
Polished atmosphere building on a current possibility. May it never come to pass.
Many thanks, I intended a harmonious piece but my muse took me elsewhere
How dark can it get? Scary. But well composed.
Thank you Bill, I did plan to write a harmonious piece but my muse hijacked me
Oy to how real the plausibility of this eventuality is, under the hubris of a mad man and his kin.
Thank you Na’ama, national leaders who allow their pride to take charge rarely thrive.
Unnervingly familiar. Good one, Michael.
Thank you Sandra, It was good to read your feedback
Beautifully and chillingly described, Michael. It certainly seems a possible scenario right now.
Thank you Penny, our planet needs thoughtful leadership at present time.
Dear Michael,
I hope this isn’t our imminent future. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle, I intended to write harmoniously, but my muse took over
Not too far fetched I’m afraid.
But hopefully not factual
I’d like to find this implausible, but I’m not sure I do. Well done, Michael.
Thank you Keith, my muse hijacked me this week
A very disturbing scene. Well told.
Thank you Margaret, this week my muse hijacked me,
Your story confirms the strange ever present aura of evil that haunts the human race.
Thank you James, yes war is truly evil,
Earth knows no power that rivals the destructive nature of humanity.
A comment to make me think.