Identity Theft

People looked at Shelia, but she knew they did not see the real her. They did not see the carefree adolescent, who had produced amazing song tracks. They did not see the young mother, working at supporting two growing children, or her maturing confidence that allowed her to develop friendships with an international band of individuals. They did not now see the gifted teacher, and youth leader. Even the generosity of spirit which ensured that a host of young people developed into caring adults. Now in the twilight of her life, all they saw was a failing pensioner.

In this weeks prompt photo I was an individual fading into the background.
This is the story of so many. Well said, Michael
Thank you Neil
I love this take, looking at the way the man in the background seems almost to blend into the background. Great writing!
A silent hero that will get her reward in heaven. A delightfully different take on the prompt, well done.
Here’s mine!
Thank you Keith
The true story is so often lost. Great story.
Thank you Mason, many stories fade in time, such is life
Well told, and so true. But what a gift it is when we no longer care with they think.
Thank you Bill
It’s easy for most of us to question whether we’ve had any effect for good in this world. I’m 74. I understand. However! Today I was seeing my cardiologist. We were all masked, so I didn’t recognize the new nurse who was taking down my info. As she was leaving, she stopped and said, “I graduated from XXXX High school. Didn’t you teach there?” I had! I’d done a lot of substituting, and got to know most of the students at least by name. I didn’t recognize her face, but when she told me her name I remembered her well. And she handed me a very nice compliment–made my day. So never assume that the work you have done is unseen. Someday when you least expect it, someone will thank you.
We learn throughout our life, it was lovely that she spoke. I believe that given a fair wind, the work we do is important, thank you Linda.
So true of so many.. good story!
Thank you Courtney.
Dear Michael,
Touching story. Well told.
Thank you Rochelle,
Beautifully told. How sad that we can’t see past our ageism!
Thank you Dora, despite feeling rather off colour, I visited my local town to meet a friend for coffee. The young lad who looked after me and my friend, was fabulous. He made my day
All anybody wants is to be validated through someone seeing who they really are. It sounds like you have. Will you let her know?
Despite feeling rather off colour, I visited my local town to meet a friend for coffee. The young lad who looked after me and my friend, was fabulous. He made my day. Sadly I am unable to let her know,
Very poignant.
Poignant is a great word, thank you