Gliding by Solar Power

Lord Voa was famous for his ability to design Saturn’s vast solar wind ships, he knew just the right chemicals to use, creating acres of sail filaments took decades to complete. However no dragon from Saturn would risk traveling to Mars in anything not designed by Lord Voa.
Mars was considered the most beautiful planet in the solar system. It’s warm shallow waters abounded with floating cities, their canopy’s glittering like rainbows. However Lord Voa foresaw the terrible disaster that would befall Mars and built the largest dragon ship ever, bound via Mars for Earth.

That explains why so many of us are able to breathe fire
Maybe, yet the inhabitants of Mars only lived within Mars Coral rich oceans.
Dear Michael,
An imaginative and cosmic tale.
Rochelle, I do seem fixated with the solar system at the present time, I do worry that the entire universe might try to get in on the act. If it does heaven help me, and the friday Fictioneer readers
Sad to know that Mars is long gone… or is it?
Tannille thank you for commenting…Their is a body of thought that the inhabitants of Mars took their ocean and fled deep underground. Although perhaps a few also reached earths oceans,
Lord Voa sounds like a wise man, er Lord, at least as far as Mars is concerned.
Jade he was ace at building solar craft to reach Mars
You plopped us down right into the middle of a great sci-fi story! I wish I knew the back story and the rest of the story 🙂
Sorry to drop you in at the deep end, however I think their may be more to come. My first offering about the dragons on Saturn was a couple of years back. If enough material arrives, I will be tempted to link it all together.
NASA could do with someone like you on their books Michael!
You may put my details forward,,,but I think they know where I am already.
I bet those dragons are hiding underneath the surface.
The dragons are experts at adapting, I am sure that you are correct.
God knows the world needs more Lord Voas to set right earthlings’ faulty designs. Good one,
Neel, these dragons may step in, if we fail to improve. However they usually keep their distance
Hm, I wonder why they didn’t go to Venus. Wouldn’t the temperature and atmosphere there be more to the liking of a dragon? These Saturn lords sure get around.
Hi Gal, these dragons are very adaptable, I have little doubt that they like and visit Venus. But will they allow my muse to tell more, only time will tell.
Imaginative tale 🙂
Thank you Anita, at the moment the night sky drives my writing
Lord Voa’s on top of it. If only we could find a human so wise.
If only we could, but if we did, everyone would more about the history of the universe
well, i’m not sure if it bodes well for earth. 🙂
So far,,, I have found little to fear about the dragons, and a lot to learn from them
Solar sails are definitely the way forward for long distance travel.
They where for millenniums, until a green comet reversed our systems solar wind, now the dragons travel beyond our solar system…
I hope the people listen to him. Otherwise things are bound to get nasty.
Listening and understanding are skills not valued enough,
I am rather bummed that Mars will see a sad ending… Inventive tale, Michael!
Good to hear from you Dale. My muse tells me that Mars has a thriving underground scene/ocean
I wonder if they’re still here somewhere, biding their time…
My be the Lock Ness sightings are arranged to prepare us
Good story! More, please?
Thank you very much Susan, I do have another instalment in the queue, but it will depend on the prompt
“Solar wind ships”! I can easily imagine clouds being just such a creation. Lovely story.
I do hope that a time will arrive when we let the universe carry us from planet to planet, rather than wasting vast amounts of fuel to drive rockets into space
Very imaginative tale, Michael.
I appreciated your feedback, thank you Mike
Very imaginative, Michael
Thank you Michael, my muse seems to like coming up with fantasy at present
Interesting story summary.
Thank you Ronda, my muse seems to be following a theme at the present time