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Freyja Will Deliver the Torch.

Photo copyrighted.
Photo copyrighted.

It was an honor to carry the torch to the games. Freyja was proud to be selected. The first seed heads had been found in Mongolia by an itinerant herder called Yul. They had appeared after a meteorite storm, Yul harvested them for fuel. When one of his goats devoured some dried seeds it became young again. So the herder put some seeds in his wife’s meal, she died.

The Yul foundation now ran the worldwide games. If you won you got the golden seed of youth, if you came last, you got the red seed of death.

When I saw the prompt the seed head reminded me of an Olympic torch; and so a story was born. My thanks are due to Marie Gail Stratford who’s supplied the photograph for this week’s prompt.

Michael Humphris.

This Post Has 42 Comments
  1. I’ll watch out for you, Michael and I can’t see us having lunch any time soon, especially anything with seeds in it.Great take. Well done.
    Best wishes,

  2. The red seed of death will propel everyone to work hard to succeed. It’s a harsh end for the one who has to come last though. This is so good, packing in the history behind the games and their current incarnation.

  3. Neat take on the Olympics. Yule must have been unaware of his wife’s eating the red seed. That what I understood? There wasn’t malevolence behind it. But I feel bad for those in these workd games, it has a bit of a ‘Hunger Games’ fell to it.

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