Fizz- Ai-K1
Fizz knew she had a twin known as K2, but Fizz knew nothing else about her twin. It was like owning a store but having the shelf’s empty. Fizz decided that it was time to visit the wholesalers. Unfortunately the only wholesalers Fizz knew was Giggles and Chri, yes that is Chris without the S.
Now Giggles and Chri are wholesalers to the funeral trade. Never mind thought Fizz. So she called to arranged a visit. Come now dear was the answer she received. Her pockets filled with garlic just in case, Fizz known as Ai-K1 spun her transporter dial…
Most science fictiony, that one.
Very true, I never knows what will arrive with fridays prompt, that is part of the fun.
Imaginative take Mike
Thank you Iain, I never knows what will arrive with fridays prompt, that is part of the fun.
Maybe only half the shelf is empty
Searching for ones twin – must be like having half a hole in ones soul.
Definitely need to stock up on garlic before transporting into the unknown.
Garlic is a great remedy for many things.
Dear Michael,
Interesting snippet. Left me wanting to know more about these twins.
Curiosity is good, unfortunately Rochelle the official secret act prevents me saying any more about the twins
Nice piece of sci-fi. I hope Fizz finds her twin.
Thank you Brenda,
Great take on the prompt, love the sci-fi element.
I do enjoy writing snippets about sci-fi, thank you susan
Quite weird Mike, well done
Just like the graffiti in the prompt, thank you Michael