
Prompt provided by Ted Strutz.
Who are you looking at. I was here first, it’s my chair. Be away with you.
Please sir my legs are tired, my head is all of a tremble, I need to rest, and the music has stopped.
No madam, you can’t pull the wool over my eyes. The parcel belongs to me as the last one sitting.
Be away with your sob story.

I may be old and my legs may wobble, but I am sharp.
My iPad is wobbling, so I will see if this works
Nine points of the law, they say
Not gonna happen, no way, no how!
Definitely not moving from the chair
Rules is rules. No room for pity or compassion in this game. Nice one, Michael.
Thank you Margaret.
Dear Michael,
I guess I’ve been told off. 😉
I could never tell you off
first come, first take. what’s his problem?
How could you deny that little moppet?