A momentary shock.
Foot sore and tired Buster crested the slope, what he saw unsettled him. A vast desert like panorama stretched as far as he could see. Now he knew where the strange smell that had been assaulting his nostrils was coming…
Foot sore and tired Buster crested the slope, what he saw unsettled him. A vast desert like panorama stretched as far as he could see. Now he knew where the strange smell that had been assaulting his nostrils was coming…
Charlotte knew that skimpy dressed lads were not her thing. She looked for those individuals who had taken pleasure in how they appeared. Even a lifeguard, if they were intelligent enough, could make small touches to attract her. Charlotte liked…
Why are we sitting here Julie, this revolving is doing my head in. I am 36 and my nerves are not good. Why did I accompany you to the fair. Because you love me, like you love candy-floss. You know…
So many things happening and I am all at six’s and seven’s. So is it the time to take a walk. If only to remind myself of what is good in life. Now I must calm myself, for my harmony…
I am hungry for knowledge, so I will wait for you to leave. Nothing will remain when I am finished.
Slowing down - Icy Cold: Hidden conversations. Sharp Claws - Lost Opportunities: Choices. Beautiful Smile - Relaxing Music: Been Missed. Special Lady - Unjoined - Unfolding: Isolated. Humming Bright -Warming Light - Touching Life. What's Up - Isolated Chains: Hurrying…
Looking out of the window Benjamin glazed longingly as his friends descending the twisting slide. He saw anxiety as they stepped out at the top and their joy as they shot out on coconut mats at the bottom of the…
Jennie felt the music coursing through her as she was lifted in the beam, it was scintillating, she had never been able to appreciate music before. Around her the light became incandescent as it was super heated. She was…
Janet noted the changing of the seasons, she noticed her customers getting older. She saw business prosper and fade. She watched her own body changing, but Franks steel blue eyes never changed. His desire for her just grew stronger. Children…