If Chairs Could Talk
My thanks are due to Ted Strutz for this interesting picture which gave me four flash fiction stories in quick succession. Why have I chosen to publish this one? Now I am wondering what makes a story readable and worth…
My thanks are due to Ted Strutz for this interesting picture which gave me four flash fiction stories in quick succession. Why have I chosen to publish this one? Now I am wondering what makes a story readable and worth…
Look at them, just look at them, they think that they are the bee's knees. Smelly things. I just do not know why the humans like them. They are soulless without a spark of life. And they are poisoning the…
I say Fred what do we have here? Looks tempting Roger, come on then, lets see what we can find. Quietly does it, we don't want to wake the dead, do we? 'Or break the egg'. Do you think aliens…
Get away, leave me alone, you devil, why do you keep picking on me. Go away damn you. I know you want to leave this place. But its been my home for years, I know every hiding place, every cafe,…
My roots go back into antiquity, the records tell of a mill standing here in 1276, but I was rebuilt in 1609 and then again in 1782. However I am going to tell you about a moment in 1941. At…
Christmas Greeting to all who read my various attempts at story telling. Josephine saw Tommy heading towards a seat at the back of the diner, she knew what his order would be, a mug of coffee, four eggs sunny side…
As Hector tied sacking over Henrys feet, Henry chomped leisurely at the contents of his nose bag whilst his tail tried to knock Hector's cap off. Nay lad we's going to need our caps and boots this day. It's sore…
The leaden water matched her eyes, the journey had been particularly bad. The water and food had been no better, but few could eat as the storms had tossed the small ship like an apple in an apple bobbing…
On this dull November day, everything seemed tinged white, as if it had been painted with a heavy hand. Slowly approaching the sprawling hospital complex as she had done for the last six months Antonia looked for a glimmer of…