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Boxing Day Floods

Silence reigns: as people take in the effects of such a prolonged period of rain, but there is a bonus, as cars are left parked. For the moment some within the local population enjoy walking. Many pass by my house…

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Joan walked tall: swinging. Don’t do it, don’t do it. She walked by, in full swing. Do it, Do it: Did they know?   They come and they see, Do they know? Don’t do it. She felt the fear in…

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The Aire valley

As the lowland sheep flee, sections of the Aire valley have taken on the appearance of lakes following the recent heavy rain. Dry stone walls have taken on the appearance of weirs, whilst the flood water pours though gateways. Rivulets…

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About this item

Over time I will mix elements of a diary other interests. Which include understanding the methods that were developed throughout the world to record human activities. Starting with cave drawing, bone art and tattooing: Later developing into pictograms and runes along…

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