Travelling Madness
Sadness over whelmed him as the news came in. The murderous acts of the cowardly individuals who had murdered so many in Brussels dominated the news. Joe who was rebuilding his camper van ready…
Sadness over whelmed him as the news came in. The murderous acts of the cowardly individuals who had murdered so many in Brussels dominated the news. Joe who was rebuilding his camper van ready…
I suppose that I should start at the beginning, but the events of late 1915 have dominated my life. I still see his face- that blank mask- so far away- yet sharply focused by the optics of my binoculars. A…
Each day the captain was reluctant to approach his window, but he always did and always he opened it wide. He would sit and reflect on all the places that he had been. Then his vision would be drawn across the river to a…
I first met James through his dog Querke. I was out looking for accommodation when I noticed a fine looking husky of a pale rust coloured hue. The husky was surrounded by a gang of young louts, who where tormenting…
Metal before medicine, Medals before healing, Money for ammunition, But not for Peace. Guns before help, Tanks before aid, Fighters before spades, But not before Peace. Starvation before food, Anger before love, Terror before calmness, But not before me.