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Who and why

Prompt provided by David Stewart Drenched by rain, their faces obscured. Faint and smudged images of hands waving. I found myself asking who and why should I save. The giant unsinkable liner was slowly sinking beneath the oceans surface. If…

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Prompt copyright Rochelle Wisoff-Fields The Rev Sidebottom was unsure how to proceed. He had found a small cottage. His congregation had said goodbye. He could sink into obscurity, trivia could become his speciality. His first thought had been to complete…

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Men and a Shed

Prompt photograph provided by David Stewart. Via Are periods of greatness engineered, or are they random. Well in a barn that I know so well, where computers are only allowed as transient visitors. In this barn bookcases are constructed…

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Hen Gymraeg

Prompt art work provided by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Stanley worried for the sanity of his twin brother Livingstone. True the family had rakish tendencies, but always in the style of the Restoration. They loved being carefree and witty. Yes the family…

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Prompt, provided by Roger Bultot. Judy scowled at the wreaked seating area. She had spent a decade learning her trade. She was now ranked as being top class, like Banksy. How dare someone create such garbage. Yes it was time…

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