Looking for Karen.
Being paid twice for doing what he enjoyed most suited Julian, music had always been his first love. Now joined by Sara and Pete, the music that the three of them created felt good. Pete loved being a street artist,…
Being paid twice for doing what he enjoyed most suited Julian, music had always been his first love. Now joined by Sara and Pete, the music that the three of them created felt good. Pete loved being a street artist,…
Have ever seen cattle released in the spring after spending the winter cooped up in a barn. If you have you will know how we felt the day. Some ran jumping with joy, whilst others cried as they danced. A…
We went for a drive - then we got lost - that's how it started. None of us knew what was about to happen. Billy had been driving whilst the rest of us drank home made gin. I did not…
I am hungry for knowledge, so I will wait for you to leave. Nothing will remain when I am finished.
Doctor Benjamin was proud of his ability to analysis his customers. He would also only treat those who asked few questions. He had adapted and taped his favourite piece of Schubert, Der Doppelgänger. Very few who visited his consulting…
The view was fabulous, Jenny had risen early, enjoyed a continental breakfast then taken a leisurely stroll around the hotels gardens. Tuscany was beautiful at this time of the year, the gentle overnight rain had highlighted colours and created a…
Why did you lock me in, why do you put me behind bars, should I not be free? Free to wander, to live my life like you, to make my own decisions, for good or bad. To spend more time…
Slowing down - Icy Cold: Hidden conversations. Sharp Claws - Lost Opportunities: Choices. Beautiful Smile - Relaxing Music: Been Missed. Special Lady - Unjoined - Unfolding: Isolated. Humming Bright -Warming Light - Touching Life. What's Up - Isolated Chains: Hurrying…
Day Two: 203 metres up in Berlin Day One: Its time to come out of hibernation, and what better way than to spend two days in Berlin. My first continental breakfast in several years was an event in itself, as several…
How long had he been held a prisoner? Jeb just did not know - he knew that once he had escaped, but had found himself in a alien world. That he had been brought back to some kind of laboratory. He…