Pastures Green
Atrikd the land here is flat and lush, unlike the sparse pastures in the mountains of Nordais, pleased take courage and sail aboard the Dawnraider. She will carry you safely to this new land, where our children may grow steeped…
Atrikd the land here is flat and lush, unlike the sparse pastures in the mountains of Nordais, pleased take courage and sail aboard the Dawnraider. She will carry you safely to this new land, where our children may grow steeped…
Atrikd I wonder if you will ever read my letter or experience the feeling when one first sights land after a long sea journey. Dawnrider carried us safely to this new land. I believe that our craft has magic in…
Priya Bajpal. Jimmy used colour to catch his customers. Every inch of his showroom was a riot of colour. Even the sink in the conveniences exploded with a rainbow of colours. But when you turned on the tap, a quiet…
Captain Jefferson smiled as she hoisted the flag, with its skull and crossed bones warning others to keep clear. Yet she hoped that the blue background of the flag would speak to other writers. For blue is the colour of…
Yip felt the breath of life ebbing away. She had known sadness, known fear. She had felt the heat of many summers. Seen her young grow into warriors. A story teller she knew all the stories of the tribe. Her…
Open to the stars, it appeared easy. Dom studied the snow covered scene, wondering where were the footprints. The snow was to pristine, there was even no evidence of wild life tracks. In Dom’s view wild life only stayed away…
Solomon Ward allowed his veranda chair to swing, the gentle moment at least stirred the harsh heat of the desert. Slowly the pieces of an idea where coming together. An idea that would make Solomon and his family fabulously wealthy.…
Here lies Mr Acharya baker extraordinaire. He died in the prime of his life. He was found sitting holding a tray of fancies. The work of his two former indentured trainees. The baking tray was missing two fancies. Later today…
“The boy must learn mother”. “But he is so young”. “You are never to young mother, you taught me that”. The bakery was in full swing, in the corners, sacks of flour piled high, turned white with with flour dust.…