Are you joking

Earth mining on Titan was over. Earth had realised that the underground cities of the dragon lords, were just the tip of a considerable microcosm of interlinked communities. Communities that held knowledge far beyond anything that the commerce focused earthlings could handle. Earth backed down, and now paid the price for its thoughtless attempt at plundering Saturn.
Now Titan wanted access to earths technology. Firstly they wanted tyres galore, constructing Michelin men was big business on Titan. ‘But they wanted white tyres galore in all sizes’.

Seems a fair exchange!
That may be so, but if the residents of Saturn and Titan start collection our rubbish, they may expect us to take their rubbish!
Oh dear… white ones are much harder to find… Good luck to them 😉
I think that lots coats of white paint may get us out of a sticky situation
I suspect there will soon be a shortage of white paint on Earth 🙂
Linda you have taken the words right out of my mouth,
So you did mean that Titan. Nice story, Michael.
Indeed I did… over the last few years I have penned a series of flash stories about Saturn and Titan. Our solar system interests me
Our greed leads to so many problems. This time we’re lucky all they wanted was whitewall tyres!
Maybe, but I fear that they may expect us to take some of their rubbish in exchange
Between Anita’s amazing portal to another dimension and your intergalactic tale, I’m looking at this building with new eyes. Good one!
Anita’s story was great, they often are… sadly so far I have not learnt how to let her know
White tyres! That’s going to take some doing. Nice one.
I think a lot of white paint is needed, but the residents of Titan may be very upset
Dear Michael,
Might I suggest the Titans invest in some white paint? Coopers looks like a great place to hang out.
Coopers is great, a wide style of food, and good service
i wonder what would happen if the earthlings don’t comply with the demand.
Now there is a very important question,
White tyres? They need to rethink that!
White paint may help until it starts peeling off
They love the Michelin man, that makes me see them in a friendlier light.
I am wondering myself why they are attracted to Mr Michelin man
If they want too many tyres we’ll have to invent hover-cars.
That’s very true,
Great piece. I’m dying to know what they will do with the tyres. Mind you, they can take them if they want we have too many!
Thank you Laurie, perhaps they are just wanting to help us !
I suppose they better get busy painting!
Thank you Dora, perhaps we need to get busy painting