Apologies for the smiles

Coming and a going; that’s what I have been doing this week. For I spent the weekend at Shildon on duty at Locomotion.
Of cause there where preparations to be made prior to my span of duty. Then there was the winding down upon my returning home. Do I hear you asking, what has he been up to. Well I was assisting in the management of a G scale layout.
What was the link with this week’s prompt! Well G scale is usually found in green spaces.
The weekend was great fun, due to the many beaming faces, not least from the dozens of children who visited the Locomotion museum and stopped to watch the garden trains in action.
Footnote: A video clip is available at https://www.ydgs.co.uk = the video is titled ‘ Keighley G scale club at Locomotion museum Oct 2019’ ..
Never enough hours in the day!
That’s a fact Tannille