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copyright Marie Gail Stratford
photo copyright:
Marie Gail Stratford

Now remember Antony take the next left. Take lots of care darling. Keep on the side walk like I have shown you. Look out for the crossing sign. Then straight on till you reach the park gates.

But mummy do I have to go over ground ? Why can’t I take the subway.

Not today darling. It’s a holiday.

But mummy their legs are so big.

I know dear, but today is a special day, it will be fun, it’s all part of growing up dear. When you get there, you can play with the other children, have candy.

Off you go now. Remember I love you. …



I am grateful to Rochelle for managing the Friday Fictioneers site: And for all those who post their flash fiction here. This has allowed and encouraged me to review many of the aspects of writing my personal flash fiction. Unfortunately my faulty schoolboy grammar seems a permanent feature.

This Post Has 35 Comments
  1. It felt quite sinister that Mummy was sending little Antony off to the park on his own. I was wondering why she wanted him out of the way. Now I find I am rooting for Antony the ant and hoping survives his day at the park ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I’m glad you left that last word out. You had me wondering with the big legs… I was thinking mouse, or maybe rat… it’s a sweet story in any case.
    About the grammar: have you tried paperrater? ( English is not my first language and I’m often insecure, then this site helps me with the more basic stuff. For longer pieces I ask my beta reader, but I usually throw out my blog posts un-beta’ed.

  3. What a charming story. I was a bit concerned about Mummy Ant’s motives in sending Antony off alone, and I hope he makes it to the park unsquashed.

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