Another for Greenacres

These days Sam left the paperwork to his oldest son Arthur. Whilst Arthur’s brother James looked after the farm shop. Today however Sam was thinking about his youngest child, June. She had inherited her mother artistic ability. June had demanded that the farm had set aside land allowing a profusion of wildlife to return. When the rainbow appeared Sam understood his daughter love of nature.
Sam had been successful and had passed on a thriving business to his three children. He had still enjoyed being active on farm. Being able to help out pleased him. The day had started normally with Sam checking on his North Devon cattle. The farms cattle had won many best of breed trophy’s and rosettes. As Sam bent down to examine a new born calf, the calf’s mother took exception. Sam stepped back but slipped and was crushed between the cow and the birthing pen rails… Most weeks June brought Sam’s favourite collie to visit him in Greenacres.

Mothers sometime take exception when you touch their new born without permission. Nice story.
Thank you Abhijit, As a child, I learnt to give cattle with new born calf’s extra care.
Poor Sam, I sense he is broken in more ways than one without being at his farm.
When I put this story together I was quite unsure that it flowed as I intended. Your feed back allowed me to at least know that Sams frustration came over. Thank you Iain.