And let there be Light
Three millennium ago the stone man with the help of the eagle saved our world. Now I call you together at our parliament where all are equal and may speak freely, to see if and how we should return to the old world and the light. At last the blue gas has dissipated, so it is safe to leave our underground haven. Now each can speak and tell of their desire, for the light calls us to freedom. Freedom from the caverns our forefathers created. The decision is for each of you to make. May Benjamin Blue be with you.

Having a bad technology day today. My first story for this prompt somehow deleted without any back up trace. Then I set up a gravatar but it failed to link to this post. Now upon posting this link the prompt picture disappeared from the link. I considered going back to quill and parchment, but I would miss your comments, so please keep them flowing my way if you can. Mike
That is a foreboding tale, I wonder if they even knew what that blue gas was… or if it’s safe to exit.
Hi Bjorn. Sadly their understanding of technology was as deficient as mine. The blue gas was a semi liquid substance created by an alien culture to enable it and its offspring to take up residence on earth. This piece of flash fiction is a very brief excerpt from a medium length historical fantasy that I am still working upon.
It does look like light through a tunnel, bringing hope of a new beginning.
Sorry about the several mishaps.
Dear Michael,
I don’t think quill and parchment will work for Friday Fictioneers although they do have a charm that’s lost in technology. Interesting take on the prompt. You left me wondering about the blue gas. And I see by your reply to Björn that this is a snippet of a larger piece. Well done.
The word gas is so wrong, it’s an alien atmosphere driving out all plant and human life. I will have to work hard to find the right words
Great lead into something larger Mike 🙂
I hope so Helen, for all week I have been driven into recording sections of the same story [Bnjamin Blue] it’s like a fly buzzing around in my head. Do I swat it or let it fly, time will tell.
Different. Leaves you begging to know more!
The last two prompts have rekindled my interest in a story that I started three years back called Benjamin Blue. I now find myself developing a new web site to record that story and to redraft several linked fantasy stories of a historical nature, Ouch! In time I plan to link the new web site to this current site.
Great piece of Science Fiction, very interesting. I’m glad to see that there’ll be more. Let it fly. 🙂
I am setting up a linked web site for the recording of ongoing stories like Benjamin Blue, into which [And let there be Light] will be placed. Mike
I like how even after so long living in the dark their democracy has remained intact! Great story, I’m interested to see what they decide and how it progresses.
Thank you: This piece of flash fiction will be inserted into a planned novelette called Benjamin Blue which I will be placing on a linked but separate web site in due course. Regards from Mike
I can see where this piece would fit nicely into a longer story. I hope your characters make it on the surface. I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time with the blog and hope things straighten out. Well done. 🙂 — Suzanne
Hi Suzanne, I think that my computer likes to test WordPress and me. Then again the Internet is slow in my part of the universe, and I often do not give the computer time to catch up.