A reflection on life

This week I started to write a story, but I could not fined the words to finish it. Took me right back to my childhood. … Don’t get me wrong, I had a great family and ran wild. Fabulous memories. But if I had been born into another family or even a different country. Who might I have become or what might I have done. I dread to think…
But back to the task in hand… I scribbled my way through school and my working days. During that period in my life I could not string words together, it was frustrating.

Your photo is a perfect image for your thoughts this week, Michael 🙂
Thank you Linda, my day has been chaotic, reflecting my jumbled writing this last few weeks.
I like that you admit you have no words for the prompt this week but still told a story. Well done
Thank you Alicia, my jumbled writing at the moment mirrors my day today.
Turning points, Michael, as the ball drops and bounces between the pegs
That is spot on, today ended up being challenging even chaotic. Yes the ball missed all the pegs today.
As I’ve traveled wide, I have often asked myself the same questions. What if… Nicely penned reflective thoughts, Michael.
Thank you very much Brenda. My writing is rather jumbled up at the present time.
I know what you mean, life has been hectic at work lately, and finding time and headspace to construct a story…the lantern on the table photo prompt, I had nothing. My Muse laughed and ran away. But she must be back now…yay! As soon as I looked at the playground scene I immediately thought of the playground I took my two kids to at Tahunanui Beach, Nelson, NZ. But my story about Simon wouldn’t work there…its a snake-free nation!
I enjoyed both stories about Simon, he is an interesting fellow, he certainly knows how to get around. I hope to hear move about his escapades
No words and yet still a story
Well done Michael
Thank you Laurie, what a difference a day can make, after my trip to Manchester today, my muse is working again
A piece of your story nicely done.
Thank you Bill, I was in Manchester today which has fired up my imagination
Yet, what a story it was. It’s something we all, I think, ponder at times. What if we were born to someone else, or somewhere else? How would our lives be different? If we could go back and make different choices, would we? Would we make different choices? Probably not.
Thank you for your comment Lisa,
Michael, I had nothing this week and just let my fingers do the talking. It looks like a pretty ambivalent place you’re at the image.
My own photo this week is at the memorial in Berlin, … to those that died in concentration camps
Dear Michael,
Ironically you managed to find a story in your own history. Nicely done.
Thank you Rochelle, I always appreciate your feedback.