A Hard Lesson

The town’s wood water pipes were frozen solid for six weeks, even the fire station was without water. However Charlie was happy for the snow was knee deep, and the lake was ice bound, the sledging would be great. Charlie was just about to set off with his mates, when his father called him into the kitchen. Sorry Charlie but I need your sledge today to deliver the mail, sorry old chap. Charlie shouted that he would never be a postman. Later Charlie would cry, as two of his friends drowned when their sledge broken through the ice.
Oh that guilt of being a survivor…
Guilt seems to run through both of my posts this week, strange!
Very good, Michael. No worries about the guilt angle, get as much as you can out of it.
The structure was superb! Characters were drawn and the end intriguing. Wonderful!
Thank you so much for your great comments. Mike
A hard lesson indeed! Excellent characterisation
Fate took a hand, I guess.
Oh no, I read in the wrong order. Poor Charlie…
Tragic. It seems fate saved Charlie that day.
Great characterisation and depiction of a feeling everyone who didn’t get on the Titanic or a plane that crashed must feel.
Well written little tragedy.
Thank you, Patrick
Saved by the postal service. How tragic for his friends.
This weeks prompt delivered tragedy to my pen, strange. Thank you for taking the time to read. Mike
Delightfully different take on the prompt!
Thank you so much, Mike
Dear Michael,
As John Lennon wrote, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
So true, I sometimes wonder what lyrics and music John Lennon would have gone on to produce had he been allowed to live a longer life.
So true, I sometimes wonder what lyrics and music Lennon would have gone on to produce had he been allowed to lived longer
So true, I sometimes wonder what lyrics and music Lennon would have gone on to produce had he been allowed to lived longer
Sometimes we thank God for unanswered prayers.
It is lucky for Charlie that his sledge was needed, but whatba tragedy for his friends, and for Charlie – dealing with the loss of his friends.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I am often surprised by the differing stories that come out of the prompts. Mike
That was close. We never know what twists and turns life will take, Well done Michael. —- Suzanne