A Busy Week
There’s been so much happening recently that my blog [more a diary I have decided ] has suffered, but even good diarists had silence moments. At the weekend I attended a great village fete at Bradley, with the best hot dogs that I have had for a while. Then later in the week I spent a lovely day at Burnsall with my wife and two of the family’s dogs.
But now I have short stories and poems waiting to be written up, so perhaps the lethargy that has dogged me recently is lifting, time will tell. If so, Robbie will be pleased when his walks became more frequent and longer.
I have recieved several interesting and useful comments about a recent hundred word story of mine called Lady’s of the Night , which will hopefully guide me in improving my story telling skills, [maybe].
More negatively I have so far have sadly failed to work out how to add video and sound clips to my web site, which is frustrating, and there is a growing pile of unread books on my bed side locker which is equally annoying.