Sheep Day
It’s sheep day at Skipton, and the weathers set fair. The high street is buzzing. Two areas have been set aside as public arena’s, whilst countless stalls, animal pens and displays cover the high street cobbles. I listen to music drifting around me as the towns brass band play, as I notice food stall now open to gratify differing tastes, and crafts stalls jostling to empty purses. You can throw a ball to dunk a young rake, or pose with llama’s or alpaca’s, smile at pony’s, rabbits and guinea pigs. Laugh at geese tackling an obstacle course, wonder at the skill of a sheep shearer, or the bird of prey handler. If animals are not your thing, then head for the multitude of information stalls. To find out about local society’s, or watch wool being spun then worked into piece of art, or watch as children produce comics or have their face painted. Enter a yurt or climb on a tractor, it’s all happening here in Skipton today: as I chat with old friends and visitors to our town. Yet should you enter one of the towns nearby ginnel’s you can find images of a different time and solitude should you wish it.