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The Bridge of Lies

Look deep into the misty glass. Prompt from Roger Bultot…

The Elephant and a Camel set the trap. Overhead a lone red single winged plane circled. The public house was a perfect foil, typically Banbury-shire, rustic farmers were knocking back amber nectar. I with my sister watched watched from the top landing, as the action unfolded. …

Two Romany caravans were entering the yard, a violin squawked as fireworks exploded. Silence please. Action please. A massive explosion destroyed the Elephant and Camel. Gunfire blasted apart random individuals, then silence returned. That’s a wrap chaps. See you next week. Same time.

One can dream as battling Covid,

This Post Has 22 Comments
  1. Action, indeed, Michael.
    I gather you have covid, Michael. I hope you’re getting through it okay. I’ve been down with a chest infection and it’s taking me longer to get back on my feet than I’d like but I’m getting there. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you Liz, it was not the story that I hoped to write. However writing helps me cope with the ups and downs of life, so I am pleased to take part in Friday Fictioneers

  2. I’m so sorry you’re sick. Get better soon! Quite a lot of action for the camera and great imagination

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