Why do I wag my tail
My tail often wags, have you ever wondered why. Well with a tail I can tell you many things…
There is a hint of autumn in the air. A heavy shower has settled the sand. Now I can chase balls without getting sand up my nose. Will you wake up and join in…
Talking about danger, reminds me, of when I found an old hand grenade on the beach. Now I am resident in a junk shop. People often pat my head, but it is strange I never feel their touch.
All the responses I’ve read to this one have got me thinking, none more so that yours. Why doesn’t he feel their touch? Why does his tail wag? So many mysteries!
Thank you Jen, this is a mystery even my muse struggled with. I think that he suffered nerve damage when the hand grenade exploded.
Dewar Michael,
Aw poor puppy. A little bit creepy at the end. 😉
Thank you Rochelle, indeed there is a element of menace. Even my muse is confused,,
Hi Michael,
This was a wonderful doggy tale, until you stuffed him in the junk shop.
I am thinking the hand grenades did for him.
James I believe that you are right. There is a hint also that the grenade killed his companion.
Despite the dmamage, he seems content enough
Thank you Neil, I think that he is looking for his master
There’s much the poor fellow can explain, and much he cannot. A dog’s life in a nutshell.
Thank you Dora, if dogs could talk, what tales they might tell, like the time he tried to catch a sea gull.
And yet he’s a happy dog.
Thank you Tannille, content, but wondering what has happened.
it looks like it had evolved into a stuffed animal.
Thank you Plaridel, as my muse unfolded the story, it did seem that he had been so treated. But I really hope not.
Poor pup. Kind of creepy there at the end!
Hi Linda, I agree, and have been thinking hard to come up with a differing outcome.
It’s a mysterious story, but my takeaway is that the pooch is happy and that’s what’s important. Cute dog and he looks very happy 🙂
Thank you Jade, I really do hope that he is happy.