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A letter from a Fictioneer

Photo credit Brenda Cox

Reader, I hope this finds you all battling on, honing those writing skills. Looking across city square we see all shades of life. People confronting personal challenges, others finding joy in the smallest detail, but which is which. My own small challenge is to find the words to apologise. My skill at commenting has never been good, at the present time it is worse than ever. I do read every offering, but this humble hack is often stymied when the time comes to comment. However I continue to enjoy riding the carousel that is Friday Fictioneers.

Visiting Berlin
This Post Has 39 Comments
  1. Dear Michael,

    I really like what you did there. Wonderful use of the prompt. The writing muse is a fickle friend, isn’t she?



  2. Michael, that was brilliant. I usually find something to say in a comment, but it often feels like nothing more than a repeat of what has already been said.

    Every week, I faithfully fill in my nam, email, and website, then check the little box to save it.
    But every week I have to do it again. Sigh.

  3. Writing about writing, a clever take indeed! I admit, I often rely on others’ comments to help explain what on earth I’ve just read, and to give me a clue as to what I should write in my comment. And I dread being the first to comment! Nice one.

  4. I also struggle with the words to comment. Like Linda said, I usually say what someone else has already said. But, that’s okay. Very clever response to the photo. =)

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