1963 was bad for some.
Charlie knew that the snow was deep, when he had to walk back home from school along the top of the drystone walls. As he entered the house the coldness struck him, for some reason mother had not lit the kitchen fire. Even the kitchen window was frosted over. “mother”. I’m upstairs Charlie, please go to town and ask the doctor to call. As Charlie left he heard the cry of a new born baby. Running along the tops of the walls Charlie slipped. His body was found three hours later by a shepherd digging out his sheep.
Footnote: This second story came fast on the tails of my first story for this prompt, I think that I prefer this story. Mike
Oh what a sad ending for poor Charlie… poor little thing trying to do his best.
Oh nooooo!
Please bring him back to life.
It feels strange that a frosted window should lead to death and sadness in both stories that I posted today. Even stranger I had a third story in mind, about the regret in a submarine captain. Another story about sadness and death
Oh dear, seems like that’s a reoccurring theme.
And with frosted glass, I would never of expected it. Thank You. And thanks to Rochelle and all the Friday Fictioneers.
Whoa! Two different tales and twists and turns. Mike, you’re batting it out of the park!
You weren’t the only one to write stories about death and guilt this week. No biggie. Creation is creation.
Very well told in how we get to know Charlie first and then lose him. That would be a lot of guilt for any parent to bear.
BTW I prefer this story too, though I think they are both very strong. I think it’s because Charlie comes across as such a likable boy in the short time we spend with him.
How very sad. Nicely written.
Oh no, poor Charlie. And poor Mum and newborn, will they ever forgive themselves?
You are killing off the children this week! Good job on both stories this week. But yes, I like this story better, too.
Hard to chose which I prefer, both great. I think as we know Charlie better out of those who died, we feel more for him, so probably this one gets my vote.
Thank you for commenting, I think that the cold got to me this week, three deaths not good, hope to be more positive next week.
So sad!
Thank you for commenting. This week I think the cold picture got to me.
I don’t much care for the ending. It’s just a little too bitter for me. Such a needless death.
Thanks for taking the time to read three items. I am hoping the shepherd revived Charlie
A marvelous – if not incredibly sad – take on the prompt. Well done.
Thank you so much. Mike
What a tragedy for Charlie and his poor mother.
That was indeed tragic. I’ve known of drifts that deep. I hope someone saved his mother and the baby. Well written, Michael. —- Suzanne
Poor Charlie.
What a terribly sad story! I feel bad for Charlie, who was just trying to help. Hope his mother and little sibling survived.